Finding Contentment in Christ

41EVF82B6nL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_“Contentment is the cultivation of a satisfied heart. It is the discipline of being fully alive to God and to others whatever our material circumstances. Contentment is not achieved through getting everything we want but by training the heart to experience full joy and deep peace even when we don’t have what we want.”

Jeff Manion’s new book, Satisfied: Discovering Contentment in a World of Consumption  (Zondervan, 2013; 224 pages) challenges and coaxes readers to think about their “stuff.” Rather than being identified and possessed by our possessions, Manion reminds us that in Christ we have been adopted, bought and sealed. We are God’s possession, and we need to see ourselves that way. He expounds the power of both serving and sharing as a sure way to detach us from our possessions. Manion constantly takes us to Scripture in this volume, skillfully weaving biblical stories with compelling exhortation. For anyone who feels the suffocating weight of discontentment, this book will encourage and motivate to simplify and find contentment in Christ alone.

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